According to you there are two enlarged
lymph nodes on the side of neck for 3 weeks , blood work , no bacteria, virus , infection.
Not responding to antibiotics.
C T scan reveals that there are multiple enlarged lymph nodes present .
Biopsy is due .
Possibilities may be , BECAUSE , for last 7 days , you are also having
fever ( low grade ) .
Tuberculosis, as this is most common cuase of enlargement of lymph nodes , particularly in the side of neck .
2 Dental infection , if it is on the one side then sometimes may be due to
dental caries on that side . Diagnosis can be confirmed by physical examination by a dental doctor .
3 AUTO IMMUNE lymphoproliferative syndrome .
However , there are so many possibilities , which may develop enlargement of lymph nodes but since biopsy is due within short period , so get in it and find out the exact reason of enlargement of lymph nodes .
Hodgkin's disease , Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, viral ,
fungal infection sarcoidosis .
Enlargement of lymph nodes may be due to simple infection , even or it may be due to serious disease ,so please wait for biopsy.
Good luck.