My name is Skye. I m 18 years old. I took a single dose of Mucinex Maximum Strength around 4 because i have a horrible cold at the moment and then took a single dose of two Excedrin Migraine around 6:30 because I had a migraine, obviously. I m normally really cautious when it comes to taking more than one type of medicine in a certain period of time. I usually wait till it says on the medicine directions that it would safe to take another dose of that medicine, that way I know it has taken it s course for the most part. Only then would I take anything else. I didn t check the time before I took the Excedrin until i started feeling very tired almost like i was going to pass out i have become very out of it, disoriented, not necessarily confused though. My entire body is numb, and it s almost as if I m in a haze... I m just a little worried about the interaction between these medicines. or if it could possibly be something else. I do also have rheumatoid arthritis and today my neck was bothering me which has happened before. When it happened before it got to the point where it was moving out of place causing ti to pinch nerves and such which in turn caused numbness but it was never anything like this. at the moment i don t feel any pain though.