You appear to be emotionally oversensitive. This is a personality trait which could be seen in many persons. There I no need to treat it untill you are having intense discomfort or inability to function properly due to this problem.
Usually you get good things to happen after crying, that might be carrying forward this for these many years.
If you are strongly willing to charge this, you can control it. Introspecting yourself- try to answers the following questions
What all matters often triggers the cry?
How long will it take after starting of the issue to crying?
Infront of whom you can cry and whom you can't (won't) cry?
What will others often do when you cry?
Now try manipulating these factors and get control over your emotional expression.
Often we feel that tears come immediately but if you recall properly it takes time.
First you gets thought about certain issues.
Different issues mingle up causing some emotional turmoil. Finally you start crying.
So in the beginning start observing this pattern. Gradually you will be able to prolong these.
There is no need to loose sensitivity but can increase the empathy by trying to understand others.
Mediation and mindfulness will help you in this regard and they have scientifically accepted modes for handling ones' emotions.
If this leads to more severe problems like feeling to harm yourself or punish yourself then contact a
psychiatrist or