My brother, Robert, who is 56 years old, has had an inordinate amount of mucus being manufactured and is having headaches along with this. HIs doctor prescribed him 10 days of Levofloxacin. He thought he had mildly improved but 3 days after he finished the dose, it came back with a vengeance. The doctor refilled the same antibiotic and he is almost done with it and not any better. In fact he is miserable. He plans to call the doctor again on Monday to refill this script. I don t see where it is helping, but he is afraid to stop due the response that he had after being off of it for 3 days (the end of his treatment). Should he see an ENT now? Or any other suggestion? My guess is that this is a cold, or allergies and not a bacterial infection. We live in Richardson, TX and the temperatures are ranging from high 50 s in the morning to high 80 s in the afternoon.