I will stump you!!! I have repeat low positive ANA over the last 6 years with now a low positive RA, abnormal Creatinine, abnormal anti-phospholipids, severe headaches(causing vomiting), fevers without apparent infection, random vomiting without headaches with or without occasional vertigo, random different rashes 3-5 per year, extreme mid-day fatigue, with staying awake, painful cold sensitivity, and progressive difficulty with memory recall and concentration, widespread significant muscle twitches and spasms (arms curl, feet and toes curl and Charlie horses daily) muscle pain and weakness with instant tremors upon strain or exertion. I am always cold. I have had thyroid, parathyroid, glucose tests all come back normal and have even tested negative for sleep apnea. Over the past six years I have one doctor who says mixed connective tissue disease and another who says not mixed connective tissue disease. Fibromyalgia also thrown in the mix. Vitamin/Mineral testing shows low levels of different nutrients at different test intervals i.e. D, b-12, phosphorus and anemia on occasion, high anxiety and low tolerance/patience easily irritable and unable to lose weight. Heavy regular periods at 47 years of age with polycystic ovaries. Had a bout with pneumonia in 2010 with no bacterial or viral cause that hospitalized me for a month.