Hi, I had a double breast biopsy done in December 2013 and both were confirmed as fibroandenomas. I have had regular mammograms and ultrasounds since. This time around, my doctor asked me to go to the clinic in his building which I did. Now, the radiologist has given the same FA at the 10:00 position a Bi-rads Rating of 4 and wants another biopsy performed because it has grown. My doctor did not forward a copy of the biopsy report to the radiologist, he only had the report of my previous mammo and u/s so I don t even know if he knew they were already biopsied. I did however tell the techs I had them done. He has now sent me to a breast specialist for a consult with the possibility of having them biopsied again. I am 44 years old and was mid cycle of my period. The FA become painful just before the onset of my period but I must add, not every month. What concerns may there be? Could I have cancer?