Hi. I have a friend who has recently tweeted, codedly, that he has cancer. We're also roomates.
Here's a brief history about him:
2-3 years back he had a philaria attack. This made him go on medications for quite a while. He hasn't been totally regular with his medicines. Anyway, so around last december, he started some trouble breathing. He also started feeling dizzy and all. He would never tell me what the checkups showed. Since that time, he has this shortness of breath almost all the time. And he said there was an abscess in his chest and often presses down it. I have seen him pressing down on a point near the back of his head as well.
I know all this is very very inconclusive data. But I just need to know what the probabilites are. He is not a smoker but had a few cigerettes 2 years back. I think he quite after some 20-30 cigs, smoken over a period of 10 months.