It is really difficult situation for you.
I want to know
1) Cause for
heart failure in your mother (like
heart attack) if you are knowing.
2) Any previous records available
3) Any associated conditions like diabetes, blood pressure problem,
cholesterol problem, kidney problem.
4) Any symptoms like cough, cold, fever, swelling over body.
There might be following causes for fluid collection in chest
1) Heart failure.
2) Infection of lungs.
3) Kidney failure.
Following investigations may be helpful in management
1) Blood tests - Haemogram, Kidney function test, liver function tests, BNP, Electrolytes, calcium,
magnesium, phosphorus .
2) Urine examination for infections, urinary proteins.
3) ECG, 2DEcho of heart (to know pumping capacity of heart)
4) Test on fluid collected from chest.
Ultrasound of chest, abdomen and pelvis.
6) CT scan of chest.
Depending upon cause she may be benefited by -
1) Antibiotics.
2) Diuretics.