Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your query health issues.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
Based on the facts of your query reply is-
Pyloric spasm with
Renal Stones causing gas formation after eating.
Do's -suggested-
Plenty of water and
Lasix treatment would flush out the small
Kidney stones.
Maintaining high fluid intake would reduce the frequency of recurring small kidney stones in your case.
Liquid bland diet.
Low intake of milk and milk products- 2 times per day
Vit B12 and Vit D3 supplements to correct the imbalance in renal functioning
High fiber diet x regularly
Plenty of fluids x regularly
Antibiotics like Norflox-400 mgm with Alkalisation of Urine would recoup the imbalance fast.
Zincovit +Vit B12 would recoup the urinary recovery functions.
UA (urine analysis) Test and review with UroSurgeon would be needed if no recovery with initial treatment given.
Just don't worry till you verify with your attending doctors.
Need to Check with Physician / Uro- Surgeon doctor if things don't recover.
-Other causes need to be verified with your family GP doctor, as the facts may be different what you submitted.
-For this
Second opinion from PCP-or Gp doctor and if need be with Physician / Uro- Surgical- specialist-is needed who would do proper investigation after proper physical assessment to resolve your health issues.
-for early recovery-please follow above do's which would resolve your issues.
Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard.
Good Day!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist