I hav a 20 year old son who has episodes of vasal vagal presyncope. These started in December of 2009, Christmas actually, In the first episode he passed out completely for a few seconds. He then continued to have an episode about every two weeks for about six months. The episoded decreased over the summer and then he had a few in October, one very short one in November and then again yesterday. He had 3 episoedes in 3 hours.
He gets the warm flushed feeling, hears vioces, his vision decreases (blacks outs) hearing deminishes. Each episode only lasts a few seconds or minute at most.
He is a college swimmer and has seen a cardilogist. He has also had CTs of his brain, a EEG, and EKG, a tilt table test, a heart halter and everything keeps coming back normal.
Where do we go from here. He is very discourgaged and if these episodes happen while he is swimming, he could be in trouble.
We have not been able to discover a pattern or a trigger to these episodes,
So where do we go from here?
We make sure he is hydrated and that his sodium and iron levels are all good.