Hi Doc,Good day! My patient was diagnosed having UTI ,He had Urinalysis showing RBC 60-70/HPF ,Pus cells 20-30, Reaction 6.0, Glucose NEgative , Protein 3+. Then his Doctor prescribed Co-Amocxilav 500 mg (BACTIV) for 7 days.Then he had Urinalysis again with Urine RBC Morphology new result RBC 40-50 , PUS CELL 2-5,REACTION 6.5, GLUCOSE NEGATIVE ,PROTEIN 2+. URINE MORPHOLOGY RESULT: INTACT RBCs 30%, CRENATED RBC -60%, GHOST CELLS -10%. After taking his Antibiotic he still suffering of frequent Urination and on and off fever . Sometimes felling chilly even the Temp. is T-37.1 C. Pls give some advice what to do and what it means on the current results.Thank you.