i am 45 years old have been to numerous urologists, top of the line urologists.i dont have bph ,no infection,no obstruction,no prostitus ,have take all the antibiotics , i do take flomax or it is difficult to urinate though i dont have bph , had a cystiscope done the looked inside of the penis said prostate was fine bladder fine ......ultrasounds fine , psa are 0.5 free psa 0.3 and psa % free is 60> 25 percent .this has gone on for years in the beginning we started with prostitus and all the antibiotics nothing changed and so on ..also even dht levels are 22 normal is 25-75 so this is low which is better than high.......still have penis sensation and urge to urinate every hour and wake up in the morning with prostate fluid at end of penis ...sex life fine erection fine have sex 2 or 3 time week no pain ...any help thanks very bothersome