Hi! thanks for writing to us sharing your health concerns!
After going through the details of the testicular lump which followed off-and-on pain, marble-sized, perfectly spherical, hard and possibly attached to the
epididymis not the testicle, I would like to suggest following possibilities according to my experience of needle biopsies and histopathology:
1. spermatocele
2. benign epididymal tumors like adenomatoid tumor, stromal nodules,
fibroma etc
3. cystic lesions like retention cyst, mesothelial cyst
4. cysts due to blockage
5. infections like tuberculosis
6. tumor or cancerous pathology
In short, a hard lump must be investigated bu
ultrasound and needle
biopsy as this could be malignant; please see your doctor today for a close examination and the necessary steps...!