Hi,Dear,Welcome to HCM. Based on the facts of your query,You seem to suffer from-Chronic Infection of the Prostate with
Epididymitis,which lead to Epidydymal Cyst on right testicle,and the Prostatitis treatment which-was caused from STD or Chronic UTI
So treatment need to be targeted to -
Treatment for Chronic UTI- after Urine Culture and for removing any
obstructive uropathy and UTI with it-Which could be done by
Second Opinion from UROSURGEON
Treatment of Prostatis-Injection Treatment of Portatitis with Intra-porstatic -
Injection of Antibiotics with Hydrolyase enzymes would increase the resposiveness to antibiotic treatment to
Chronic Prostatitis with Fibrosis and
-calcification in such case-Which Could be dealt with EDTA- intraprostatic chelating treatment with such patients.
Stem Cell Intra-Prosatic Treatment to rejuvenate normal prostatic function, if need be -in case Progeny is required in few cases.
-Treatment of the Porstatitis with accompanied Epidyditimitis- would resolve the testicular hardening in such cases.
-If Urination is causing the Hardening of the testes- It indicates active
Urethritis with flare up of the epididymitis- which needs special treatment of the Urethritis- which induces strong Cremaster reflex due to urethritic pain and thus causing hardened Testicles from the spasm of the tunic vaginalis with cremastor and dartos mucsle
reflex spasm in your case.
Hope this reply would help you to plan further treatment with your doctors.
Contact with a Followup Premium question to ME. Will appreciate your Hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy patients like you.
Good Day!! Dr.Savaskar, Senior Surgical Specialist M.S.Genl-CVTS