Hello, I had a minor stroke Nov 2. I hade never had any heart or cholesterol problems. I hade been a hard smoker for 30 years, and had not had a specific meal schedule.
after my episode, I stopped smoking completely, I'm eating very healthy, and I'm adding some cardio to my exercise routine. I've always lift weights.
I'm 50.
I've started taking aspirin 325mg and atorvastatin 40 mg.
I've had liver problems in the pass, which makes me very concern about this Lipitor (atorvastatin) medicine.
My test, show very at average levels, but because of the stroke, doctor tells me they are high. I'm having a bad headache and discomfort at night after I take atorvastatin, and all the research I've made. suggests that it might not be necessary to take that medicine, if other changes are made. would it be ok if I don't take atorvastatin?
i'm ok with the aspirin, although I'd like to lower the dosage.
Thanks for your time.