Hi there! I am 18 years old, I weigh around 82kg/180lbs at a height of 184cm/76 inches For about two years now I ve been having problems with hypertension. Not only that, I also experience that weird chest pain very often, don t know if palpitations or angina is the right word, either way it s not that painful but it makes me feel very uncomfortable, followed by fear or even panic attacks (for obvious reasons, I guess). About a month ago I had a blood pressure of 198/144 (it was late in the evening and I was about to go to bed), whereupon we called an ambulance that brought me to the hospital. I spent the next two weeks there and they conducted a wide array of different tests including blood tests, urinalysis, fecal occult blood test, trans-esophageal echo, loads of ECG s (had a long-term ECG done about a year prior to that), long-term blood pressure recordings, an eye test and two magnetic resonances. All these tests were negative, meaning they did not find what was causing my problems. They did, however, notice that there was an unusually high amount of some hormone in my blood. Ever since I ve been monitoring my blood pressure on a daily basis. (about once or twice a day). I have to take an ACE inhibitor and a 5mg Beta blocker every day in the morning (again, I m only 18!). It has always been in the green area or slightly above the normal. However, sometimes the sign for irregular heartbeat comes up. And I still experience these unpleasant sensations in the area where my heart is. Today around noon it was at 117/78. But when I measured it later that day, at around 8 p.m., I had 143/128! Now, I know that s way above the average but what was I supposed to do? Call 911 and go through all of this again?? I decided not to do that and keep an eye on that myself. I re-measured it about 20 minutes later and noticed that the diastolic number decreased to 95 while to systolic one went up to over 150. Probably because I got very nervous. Even though doctors ensured me that there was no life-threatening danger, I always fear the possibility of a stroke or a heart attack when stuff like this happens. What I could extrapolate from this is that apparently my blood pressure greatly fluctuate throughout the day. Some additional data: *My mom also has hypertension and takes meds since she is 40 or something *Her father, my grandfather, died at the age of 50 because of a heart-related disease *I sweat a lot *I often find it hard to fall asleep because I am worried about my health and because I have this uncomfortable feeling in my chest, which most of the time is gone completely or very weak when I wake up again *Sometimes it feels as though my heart skips a beat, I can clearly feel it and it makes me become very aware of my heartbeat. This also comes with lightheadedness from time to time. *Often, shortly before falling asleep, some of my limbs move without me wanting them to move *I often have a headache, however I doubt it s related to my blood pressure *Sometimes I experience what I believe is tachycardia, a very fast heartbeat *It would be a lie to say I m sporty but I m not obese either *I don t do drugs, I don t smoke and I only drink alcohol occasionally So, I would like to know if it is possible for someone like me to have a high blood pressure without anything to fear. Is my life-expectancy significantly shortened by this? Do I need to take more meds?Could it be that it s my mind causing all of this? As impolite as this may sound, I do not need any calming words unless they are backed up by medical facts. I greatly appreciate any help I can get and I wanna thank you in advance for taking the time to read all this! If you need any additional information from my clinical record I will gladly provide it to you. Also, I am very sorry for the broken English! (I am not a native speaker)