Welcome to HCM,
In the present scenario it is advisable that you start on an antihypertensive drug (if you are not already on it).
As per the latest
hypertension guidelines, it is recommended that your BP should be below 140/90 mm of Hg (in the age group less than 60 yrs).
There are a number of medications available like Calcium channel blockers (
amlodipine, cilnidipine), ACE inhibitors (Ramipril and
Lisinopril) and ARBs (Losartan,
Valsartan) apart from these diuretics are also available.
A single drug can be started with, if the BP is still not controlled, multiple drug combination can be used.
It is also advised that you go for certain investigations like 12 Lead ECG to rule out any end organ changes in the heart. Some blood investigations like
lipid profile and renal function test (to exclude renal effects of long term hypertension) may be done.
Your diet should be salt restricted and continue your exercise regimen. If you are a smoker you have to stop it. Reduce intake of
saturated fat and refined carbohydrates in diet (to prevent associated complications).
Waking up and travelling very early in the morning is not advisable, but since it is your job nothing much can be done.
Please do visit your treating physician for a thorough physical examination and to start an appropriate antihypertensive regimen.
Thank you.