Welcome to HCM.
I understand your concern.
Firstly, 134/84 is not a
high blood pressure and 143/92 is just marginally high. In absence of other co-morbidity, it shouldn't be considered "dangerous", but yes, it is not good for health and need to be treated.
Marginally high blood pressure can be managed by life style changes without use of medicines like weight reduction(if you are over weight), reducing salt in diet(if you are taking >2.5 gm per day), exercise, yoga &
meditation (to relieve stress), reduce
smoking and taking alcohol, etc.
If you can't reduce
high BP after life style changes, than you need to go for medicines. First line drug in young individual is ACE inhibitors or ARB.
Losartan which you are already taking is ARB. If you are having high BP during night time, than you can take 50 mg losartan twice a day, one in morning and one at night in consultation with your doctor.
Hope this will be helpful.
Thanks for using HCM.
Do ask if any further question is there.
Take care.