I am a 45 year old female with a recent onset of high blood pressure, and a year long history of low vitamin D. I had recent blood work done to check my blood after starting a new blood pressure med hydrochoridzide(??) . My blood work is showing an elevated sugar 146, low potassium 3.3, low vitamin d (22) UP from 15 last year, and elevated liver enzymes. My PA wants to refer me to a gastroenterologist for the liver test results. ALT (181, AST (65), AP (185) . Can this be related to the meds she has me on for the blood pressure? I feel fine, other then my heart beating hard and profusely at the slightest bit of exertion like climbing stairs. The blood pressure is still hanging out in the 145-150/93-100 range so I don t think the meds are really working unless it is too soon to tell. I am 5 3 tall and weight around 145-150 lbs