Hello and thank you for using HCM.
I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain and give you my opinion.
We talk about hypertension if we have mean values that exceeds 140/90 mmHg. It is normal to have higher blood pressure values after a physical or an emotional
stress, so it is important to judge on mean day and night values.
Hypertension is divided in two groups: essential or
idiopathic hypertension without an identifiable cause and
secondary hypertension, usually in young ages, meaning that is a secondary cause of it. This cause might be a
renal disease, an endocrine problem, a cardiovascular pathology.
As you explain, your mother had a heart attach before.This might have caused a little stress on you and this high values might be normal.
The fact that it is a family history with cardiovascular problem should make us much alert with you even your young age.
If I was your treating doctor i will recommend a full check up with
blood test analyze, a electrocardioram, echo-cardiography and a pressure holter monitoring to check your mean values.
Only after this we can be sure if is just a stressed period or something else.
Hope I was helpful.
Best regards.