Thanks for consulting in Healthcare. It seems your daughter has acute viral infection, acute rhynopharingitis, she feels pain in gurgle, her appetie decreased,thats why:
1.Try to keep her with plenty of water or ginger, lemon and turmeric powder tea
2.Cut onion, leave with a water near her bed, fitoncids will kill viruses, you can drop onion water in nose 1 ml 4-6 times, very effective
3.Drop nose with saline and nasal drops , especially before sleeping
calpol syrup from temperature or adol suppositories 250 mg if she can not drink
5.Tulsi juice 5ml 2 times will help to decrease temperature
6.Sualin 1 tab 3 times for resolution with anti inflammatory effect
7.Physical methods:cover her wet sheet or take a bath with usual hot water and her temperature will decrease after 2 min
8. For increasing immunity and decreasing temperature
Vitamin C 500mg is also helpful, give during 5 days
zincovit 5 ml 1 time 1month
Recovery soon