Brief... if high billirubin level is physiological then
phototherapy or blood exchange (transfusion) is best treatment.
Detailed answer..
There can be many causes of high billirubin level , which are treated accordingly.For example..if there is
jaundice within first 24 hrs of birth ,it is almost always pathological like because of ABO incompatibility; hereditary Hb diseases or hereditary biliary
sclerosis etc. If jaundice is after 24 hrs of birth , it can be because of breast milk or physiological as
liver enzymes are not mature enough to metabolize etc.
Well first from the history of your child , it seems that she has been suffering from physiological (normal) jaundice , which can be treated with phototherapy and exchange transfusion..But if billirubin level is above 20 it can effect brain so the sensory
hearing loss and which can be permanant and non treatable, so better to be on safe side , hearing test should be done , once child is stable.