I am 52 years Male. Presently I am taking Losartin 50 mg. 1-0-1 for hypertension, Tonact TG 0-0-1, Clopicard 1-0-0, Maxgalin 75 mg 1-0-1, Milborn (milncapiran) 50 mg 1-0-1, Nitrest 10 mg 0-0-1, Elivel 5 mg 0-0-1 and Proprendol 20 mg 1-0-1. My BP is under control now. I have severe pain in neck, left upper limb which radiates upto fingers despite taking the above medicines and also ultracet. The above medicines are prescribed by Neuro Surgeon after MRI & EMG, ECG and blood tests. The Cervical Spondilyotis is day by day getting worst and could not bear with the pain.