Hello, I was told I have intra-atrial conduction delay with moderate high-lateral re polarization disturbance, consider ischemia or LV overload. Slight right-precordial repolarization disturbance, consider feminine pattern. This was on the ekg report. P/PR: 138/166 QRS: 92ms QT/QTc: 370/465 ms P/QRS/T Axis: 82/34/86 deg Heart Rate: 95 BPM I had an allergic reaction to the flu shot I was given. I believe it s from the preservative. I m not allergic to eggs. usually get rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and chest pressure sensation. I took two 25mg Benadryl and was put on a prednisone pack. I have an appointment to see a cardiologist in two weeks. The triage doctor said I need to be careful of taking certain medications. My father passed away from a massive heart attack at 65 years old, he was also diabetic and had high blood pressure that started when he was in his early 30 s, and my mother had a 90 percent blockage about 5 years ago, she has high blood pressure, and she s borderline diabetic. So I see a cardiologist once a year because of my family s history. I have high blood pressure when I was 30 years old (I was 115 lbs so they checked my kidneys and they were normal). I was diagnosed with a slight heart murmur that is not always present, was heard when I was a teenager once, when I was pregnant, and a couple of times after I had my daughter. I m a borderline diabetic, A1C 5.7, and my cholesterol is normal. Sandra