Unfortunately, you are going to need to be seen and evaluated for the source of bleeding. Generally, most women will bleed more when they are very hypothyroid or very hyperthyroid. As you treat the hypothyroid, usually the bleeding will stop.
Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid) is a cause of menopause or amenorrhea (no periods). Therefore, your situation is almost the reverse - you are bleeding more with thyroid replacement. So it is possible that you might have too much thyroid replacement.
Heavy menstrual bleeding, which is known as menorrhagia, is worse is young women as they are starting their menstrual cycle. It is also worse in older women who are about to go into menopause. Almost 50% of people with menorrhagia have no known cause. Other common causes are: bleeding disorders, uterine fibroids, uterine or endometrial polyps, infections,
thyroid dysfunction, cancers, tumors,
endometriosis, and
Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Ibuprofen has been shown to decrease the amount of bleeding and pain with menstrual cycles.
Therefore, I would recommend:
-you need to see your
primary care doctor for routine labs including anemia panel, bleeding dysfunction panel, and thyroid panel.
-take ibuprofen if there is no contraindications.
-you need a pap smear with evaluation for infections.
-you may need an ultrasound for full assessment of the anatomy.
-premenopausal or menopausal workup
-you may benefit from low dose
estrogen replacement such as
hormone replacement or birth control