hello dr.
i m 31 yr old. i m taking eltroxin 50 mcg as i hav hypothyrodism.it has been 2 yrs for my marriage.i had a misscarriage last month.i had 2 and half month pregnancy but doctor dint find any heartbeat at 10th week. so had gone through a DNC on 21 jan.i got done my ACC,ANA,torch and b-HCG Tests.all test were negetive but in TORCH test IGG was negetive,my rubella was 406.IGM was negative.After DNC ihad 3 day normal bleeding but after 2day it again started and and stoped.in this whole month i had spotted bleeding with clotts in every 2-3 days. i consul to doctor on 10 feb and she told me small part (9 mm) was left in my utrus during DNC so its happening.she gave me medicine-meperate (15 days),sylate,Azivista(3 days). after 10 days i had my period and today my 5th day of period. i had heavy bleeding on 2nd and 3rd day.I am very worried as it was my 1st pregnancy.is it ok all inside as some part of foetus was left.will i conceive soon and will hav healthy baby.what about rubella igg.my other doctor prescribed me-Ecospirin,Torchnil folvite.is this ok.
i dont want to take risk now,why this all happened in 1st pregnancy.