Need not to be hopeless , you will be alright but beside medicines for
thyroid , you have to take some medicine for
antral gastritis and also precautions , these measures may be helpful for , these are:
1 Try raising the head of you bed about 4 inches with blocks. It also might help to avoid eating or drinking for 2-3 hours before you lie down. To help control stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates ,pizza, burgers sweets or greasy or spicy foods .
Also take some
antacid but if it contains ,better . But in your case symptoms are severe ,you may need drugs like pantoprazole-d twice in day with
rebamipide 100 mg 2-2 for 3 months .
Since this is a prescription drugs , so consult a physician and take prescription .
2nd possibility of such symptoms are over eating , so be careful about that .
3rd reason of such symptoms are tension or
anxiety , so be careful .
As I have seen in my so many patients that tremendous tension or anxiety play an important role causing hyper acidity ( as may be in your case ).
Also avoid hectic , hurried life as this will improve the condition.
Good luck.