You are having two small cysts in right ovary , this is known as Poly Cystic
Ovarian Disease (PCOD or PCOS i.e syndrome ).
This is very common among young child bearing age female .
The main reason of PCOD is hormonal imbalance but there are certain other reasons as Cushing's syndrome,
Hyperthyroidism ,
hypothyroidism late onset adrenal's hyperplasia .
Main query , can a female get pregnancy with pcod .
Ans Yes , sometimes you have to take treatment . When such patient visit my clinic I advise them to take metformine 1000-1500 mg in tow to three divided dosage .
I also advise them to take clomiphene 50 mg from 5th day to 9th day means 5 day treatment . If no pregnancy start with 100 mg .
Oral contraceptive pills are also given for regulation or control of PCOD .
Once PCOD under control , stop oral contraceptive pills and try for pregnancy.
Since this treatment should be under the active guidance of
INFERTILITY specialist , so consult and get his opinion.
Good luck.