I have some irregularities with my menstrual cycle (frequent) and some discomfort in my pelvic region. As a result, I had a sonogram performed this week to evaluate the region. Not being familiar with metric measurements, it s difficult for me to compare the size of the cysts referenced in the sonographic transcript in relation to the organs. From what I m able to understand, it doesn t seem as though there is any cause for great concern at this time. I have a follow-up with my gynecologist next week, but wondered if you could help shed some light on the situation in the interim and help put things in perspective and perhaps provide a typical course of action for addressing such findings (even if it s just monitor and wait for the cysts to go away) Thanks! Sonographic transcript shown below: Pelvic sonography with transabdominal and transvaginal technique. Transabdominal findings – the uterus measures 8.7 cm long and up to 5.9 cm by 4.8 cm wide. The endometrial stripe thickness is a maximum of 7.0 mm. the junctional zone is unremarkable with no evidence for adenomyosis either segmental or global. The myometrium is unremarkable with no fibroids or other masses seen. The right ovary is 3.1 cm long and up to 5.6 by 2.4 cm wide. The left ovary is 3.9 cm long and up to 2.6 by 2.5 cm wide. The ovaries show areas of altered echogenicity. There are 2 simples cyst on the right ovary. They measure 22 x 27 x 19 mm in size and 17 x 20 x 16 mm in size. Then, the left ovary has a complex area of mixed echogenicity that may be several small follicular cysts side by side measuring 20 x 15 x 19 mm from the by inflammation. No fluid is seen in the pelvic cul-de-sac. Transvaginal findings – the ovaries show bilateral arterial flow with no torsion seen. The cervix is showing some nabothian cysts. Impression – no acute abnormality seen on pelvic ultrasound images with both transabdominal and transvaginal technique. Bilateral overian cyst is seen) left and there are some nabothian cysts present as well but neither ovary shows torsion or solid mass and no mass seen in the uterus at the level of the myometrium or endometrium.