Hello and welcome to HCM
Firstly since you have not mentioned, I hope your son is above 18 years of age to use Rogaine.
Also do try to narrow down the possible cause of the
hair fall in your son.
minoxidil will help especially in genetic type or male pattern related hair loss. other causes may be stress, illness, fever like
typhoid, medicines, pollution, hormones etc. Excessive chemicals, styling products, poor diet. All these also need to be taken care of to ensure good hair growth.
If it is related to genetics, he will be more prone to hair loss and growth also may be a little slower.
Androanagen solution contains a mix of minoxidil+
aminexil, with similar effetcs. Lack of alcohol base may reduce the itching. Temporarily to reduce itching, allergy tabs like levocet can be used. The increased blood flow to the scalp also can cause
tingling and itching.
It will be available in most dermatological centres or standard medical stores.
Be sure to follow up with doctor regularly as advised by them, it takes time to show results. Some patients may experience some initial hair loss, or also a little hair loss when they stop application suddenly. If there are any severe side effects discontinue use.
Also you can add a hair supplement like
follihair capsules daily. Take care to eat well, rest and avoid stress as well.
Hope this helps.