Maybe two weeks ago a sore which I thought was a misqito bite on the back of my neck near my shoulder did not go away, was not immediatly itchy yet it first was a little swollen then grew flat, slightly raised and circular. It did not worry me until a week or so later I began to see red bumps appear on the other side of my chest near my neck. Over the course of a few hours to days my chest has them, my back has them and my belly has them all different sizes. I do not ever scratch them , although it is slightly itchcy but not to make me nuts. So no I am not compelled to scratch. The one that started on my shoulder looks different that all he rest. I m really scared. I remember feeling a little nauseous before breaking out with all of this evil stuff. I was looking at various pictures of red bumps on what this could be , I m at a loss of explanation now. I just pray it s not something disgusting.