Prima facae the lesion and symptoms appear to be of
ring worm. However, please get yourself examined thoroughly from a skin specialist. You will be prescribed mostly anti-ringworm ointment and/or powder.
Along with the medicinal treatment, follow following instructions:
1. Clip your genital hair flush - do not shave, that will hurt.
2. Clip your nails short. Avoid scratching the lesions though it is irresistible.
3. Apply the given medication on the lesions completely and about 1 inch outside on apparently normal looking skin also.
4. Boil your underwear to kill the organisms stuck to them.
5. Observe sexual abstinence.
6. Mostly, your sexual partner also may have similar legions, get your partner also treated.
7. Start your sexual life again only after you both the partners are treated successfully and cured of the lesions.
Ring worm is not a serious life threatening disease and can be got rid of with proper treatment.