hi, im a young basketball athlete who s life goal is to make it pro (19 soon to be 20) and i suffered for a looong time from jumper s knee in both legs... as you most likely know this is a chronic injury that leads to the degradation of the tendon (in my case it was in the lower pole of the kneecap, due to overuse, and i played 2 years with it) my doctor was amazed i could stand all that pain for so long, but well i did, untill my leg started giving way and i stopped... conservative treatment didn t work, especially for the left one, which had the most damage and some torn fibers, so i had arthroscopic surgery for debridement and im 2 months post op, i can walk run etc, but hte pain is still there at a lesser degree while it would be ok for a sedentary person, my goal is to make it back and be able to get to my old standarts without pain and build up from there... physio has helped, but it didn t get me where i wanted, and i don t think it will now (judging from the right knee s results) my options, thus, are these... 3 injections prp in each knee (controversial info all over the web about it, but two of my three doc s are SURE it helps with tendinosis) and then eccentric training to strenghten up the new collagen and make my knees as brand as new... or at least it should work like that second is peptide therapy (cjc1295 and ghrp2) plus some intravenous concoctions that are supposed to help A LOT (all the results and evidence in here are anecdotal, from both the web, and guys i know that pointed me to this biologist who does this, who works with proffesionnal athletes and has quite the name here in greece) and finally, the bodybuilder s way which is taking deca durabolin in maintenence doses plus proviron-cialis to be sure my endogenous testosterone produccion will stay safe and anavar as a main anabolic, and train low intensity, high volume, especially eccentrically, just as i would without them but adding the weight to my training periodically in that monthly-cycle now, i don t want to be chastised about ANY of these ways, as i am ready to take the risks... i want to take it to the end, either play basketball or nothing... and i will do ANYTHING... i need some words of advice, any doctor s word that has any evidence of any of these working or not, would be greatly appreciated, but i would like the REASONS behind your responses! thanks in advance and sorry for the long post