When having vaginal sex with my partner, he ejaculates but does not feel any pleasure. On rare occasions he feels pleasure, but not usually. I am not sure what is going on and what to do to improve the situation. Here are the details: My partner is 24 and uncircumcised. He feels pleasure while ejaculating through means other than vaginal sex. He says that he masterbaits about twice a week. I am the first and only sexual partner that he has had. We have been having sex for one year now and he says that this problem has occurred for the duration. I am 22 and have had only one sexual partner before him. I have never had child. Also, I think I might be more wet than normal...so maybe there might be a problem of proper friction, but I am not sure. Because he does not feel pleasure, he has a low sex drive. What is going on and what can we do to improve the situation?