Hi, I am 36 years old and recently found out I have large uterine fibroids. My doctor recommends I take depo-lupron for 3 months prior to having a hysterectomy in hopes of shrinking the fibroids. I had a CT Scan which showed that there is an excessive amount of blood flow going to the fibroids which is only going to make them grow bigger, quicker. I m trying to decide if I need to take the medicine. I was told it was make my surgery safer. I m wondering if the medicine will shrink the fibroids for sure or if I should just try to have the hysterectomy done asap. I was told on Feb 12th that I was the size of a 16 week pregnancy. Also my doctor is not willing to do my surgery if I do not try to shrink the fibroids first. My question is, with as large as my fibroids are, is it dangerous for me to not take the medicine before my surgery?