I am a 41 year old woman 5 4 200lbs. I was diagnosed with hypertension and hypothyroidism 4 years ago. I also have sleep apnea. I have tried all classes of blood pressure medications and all cause a vasculitic rash. When I first started bp meds I would break out in a rash on my feet that spread up my body until I discontinued medication. After a biopsy I was diagnosed with Leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Only one medication does not break me out and that is mythldopa, but it causes my heart rate to drop into the 50 s and makes me extremely fatigued and I sleep up to 17 hours of the day. My bp normally runs 160/110 but for the last couple days has been around 199/128. I went to the ER and troponin levels were ok, lab work was ok, and chest xray was ok. I was told I didn t have to worry about my bp no matter how high it got because I was young by the ER doctor, even though I was experiencing shortness of breath, pain and numbness in my left arm and fingers and pain in my back. Should I just ignore my bp and symptoms? When should I worry. I am not currently taking any bp meds.