Thanks so much for treatment in HealthcareMagic. It is clearly seen that your girl has some infection in her intestine-gastroenterocolitis.
1. At the first try to keep her hydrated with
ORS solution, give to her 50- 100 ml between
breastfeeding during day how much she wants sip by sip.
2.Econorm( saccharomyces) -1 sashe 1 time 5 days
3.Z&D drops for stopping loose motions
4.Pay attention on her tongue, has she white tongue and white
thrush on her cheeks, if she has it then wipe her tongue with bandage moisturized by soda solution or
candid, because trush can give temperature to babies and Candida can go inside intestine and cause loose motion.
Don't forget to give
vitamin D3 to baby for increasing immunity and profilaxis of rickets
Recovery soon and grow quicklier
Best regards