Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
Need to to go for loo that was watery or runny during anal intercourse can in fact be due to intestinal infection as you have had anal intercourse before too without any problems. You still feel like going for a loo but there is only staining and now blood passing out .
Hence I would advise you the following:
Get the stool tests done.
Blood for CBC and other as needed after a clinical evaluation by your Doctor.
Ano-proctoscopy and per-rectal digital examination can tell further if there is any local cause of bleeding like hemorrhoids and so on.
Once diagnosed properly the treatment can be guided. For example if there is an intestinal infection a course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole can solve your problems.
If hemorrhoids are present then you can go by the advise as per the stage of these and as advised by your Surgeon.
Take probiotics, bananas, activated
charcoal tablets and soft bland diet.
Plenty oral fluids and electrolyte solution as required.