Low-lying placenta, or
placenta praevia, is a complication of
pregnancy where the placenta that feeds the growing baby is attached to the lower part of the womb near to or covering the
There are several types of placenta praevia:
1. A low-lying placenta is near the cervical opening but not covering it. It will often move upward in the
uterus as your due date approaches.
2. A partial placenta praevia covers part of the cervical opening .
3. A total placenta praevia covers and blocks the cervical opening.
Ask your doctor which type you are having.
The main symptom of placenta praevia, and the greatest risk to you and your baby, is vaginal bleeding. The bleeding that signals placenta praevia may occur at the end of the second trimester or beginning of the third trimester. It may be heavy or light.Bleeding is usually painless
Mothers with a placenta praevia are also at increased risk of delivering prematurely, before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Treatment part
1.90% of placenta praevias early in pregnancy resolve on their own, early treatment is often not necessary unless there are other complications.
2.avoid heavy exercise and sex (which your doctor has advised)
3.repeat ultrasounds later in pregnancy to verify the position of the placenta.
Bed rest
4.In Most of placenta praevia cases
caesarean section may be performed.
Your doctor has prescribed correct medications and take these under his/her supervision and follow above instructions.
Dr Santosh