I have had, infrequently, severe pain in my lower abdomen after showering.
The pain starts after a get out of the shower, usually 1-2 minutes later. Within a few minutes it can become absolutely unbearable, rendering me near incapacitated. for 10-15 minutes, and then, it quickly fades, and I have no residue ill feelings, in fact, I usually feel totally fine. The pain is throughout the entire lower abdomen, though it is notable stronger in my back, possibly around my kidneys.
It generally happens out of nowhere after a real hot shower... This has happened over a long time period, but actual occurences usually only happen around every 2 months. Probably 6-8 times in total. Im at a loss to know what triggers it, the only possible causes I could think of, are that I think it usually happens after Ive taken an especially long shower.
Im an otherwise perfectly healthy 42 year old male. And nobody I know has heard of, let alone had any of the symptoms I do. I have read comments from the web of several other people who are experiencing the same condition. My doctor can't help because she never heard of this. The other web comments says the same thing of their doctors. It only a problem when this occurs but every time the pain goes away I feel perfectly healthy, and I dont have any other symptoms whatsoever.
Thanks in advance for any help.