thank you for putting up your query on HCM.
as per you history, you have been on TAB
atripla for 2 years.
1. mild
skin rash may be a side effect of tab atripla, but particularly in
axilla, may be rare. you dont need to worry about it.
-- continue with your medication as mild skin rash and dryness is not an indication to stop an medication.
-- apply enmoist cream(white soft
paraffin) twice a day and also, take bath with olive oil.
-- you may take tab levocetrizine once a day for itching.
2. second possibilty can be, what your doctor has told that prolonged use of antiperspirant have caused skin irritation.
my advise would be:
-- change your antipespirant regularly.
-- follow above advise.
still, if you have query, you can visit a nearby
hope, it helps.
wishing you a good health.
thank you