Thanks for your query.
This ''feeling of lump in throat'' is quite common a problem and the patients are mostly females. So at one time this wall called '' Globus Hystericus"" if everything was found normal.
You have not mentioned the reports of the camera examination.
There actually can be a lump and usually hidden behind the back part of the tongue. This is
lymphoid hyperplasia and takes time to get reduced, needs a long course of anti-inflammatory medicines.
GERD or LRPD casn cause this as you have noted, meaning gastroeophageal reflux disease or Laryngo pharyngeal reflux disease.
Addition of PPI and
Domperidone helps a lot.
Most of such problem have ''
stress '' as the most important factors as a causative agent.
So a treatment for
anxiety and stress is also a mainstay in the treatment.
Get a combination of the treatment under a care of an ENT Surgeon and you will be fine.
There is a great tendency of recurrence in these situations , if the trigger is not removed.