Hello Doctor. Thank you very much in advance for your help. It is greatly appreciated. After being on 400 MG of Tramadol for nearly 4 years due to nerve damage as a result of my post inguinal hernia surgery back in 2011, I have been off of Tramadol for 2 months now. I made the decision to stop due to the fact it was not helping the pain anymore. I have gotten through most of the physical withdrawals (hell on earth), although I still suffer from slight nausea and acid reflux/GERD like symptoms. The worst part is the mental depression and anxiety I am still dealing with today due to my weaning off this med. I have been prescribed anti-depressant to counter this, but it just seems my brain was so altered by the tramadols chemical properties, I have yet to experience any relief from this. My question is, When/will I get better? What can I do now in your opinion (besides exercise, meditation) to help this recovery process? Thank you Doctor for your time. Matthew