Hello and thanks for your query.
I understand that you are very stressed out about your exams and this is causing you to be depressed. As you have rightly mentioned, stress is the one of the most common causes for
depression. So, I would like to give you the following suggestions to handle your stress and sleep problems:
- Don't take too much which you can't handle. Take one step at a time. Plan your time schedule well in advance.
- When you feel overwhelmed by the stress, tell yourself that this is just a passing phase and that you just have to 'stay afloat', till this stressful phase passes away.
- Practising
relaxation techniques like deep breathing, listening to relaxing music, etc. can help relieve stress.
- Ensure that you get 7 - 8 hours of continuous sleep everyday. When you’re sleeping too little or too much, your mood suffers. So, get on a better sleep schedule by learning proper sleep habits.
- Follow a healthy lifestyle - with adequate physical exercise and a nutritious and balanced diet. This not only keeps your body healthy, but also helps your mind.
- Avoid alcohol,
smoking or any other substances as they all have been associated with many psychiatric disorders, including depression.
- Last, but not the least, seek help early: when you feel that it's getting too difficult to handle, please don't hesitate to seek help immediately. Early intervention by means of
counselling or sometimes medication can prevent you from going into a major depressive episode.
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Psychiatrist