Hello Welcome to HCM and thanks for providing detailed history.
I can understand your problem. A lot of females develop symptoms of anxiety and mild depression following childbirth. In most of females these symptoms improve by own but in some they may persist in form of anxiety,
restlessness or depression. The symptoms like random pains in different spots, breathing difficulties during exercise, sweating, feeling of sickness and fainting etc could occur due to anxiety but before making anxiety as diagnosis we should rule out medical causes like
hypoglycaemia etc. In hyperthyroidism such symptoms can occur so first of all you should get your thyroid levels checked to rule out hyperthyroidism.
If medical causes are ruled out then anxiety is most likely the cause of your symptoms. You are taking
Lamotrigine and Sertraline already and as per my opinion these are right drugs for your symptoms, but these symptoms are persisting so either the doses of drugs should be increased or the medicines should be changes. SNRI medicines like
Venlafaxine can prove useful for your somatic pain conditions and can be replaced with Sertraline. Apart from this
pregabalin can be added for pains and ill also reduce the anxiety. Discuss with your
psychiatrist for prescription of these drugs.
Thanks, hope this helps you. Take care