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The causes of this heart burn could be
acute gastritis or
gastroenteritis You should undergo routine blood investigations and urinalysis to detect the underlying cause.
Treatment depends on the cause but you may take symptomatic treatment meanwhile.
Antacids like h2 blockers (ranitidine) or
proton pump inhibitors (
pantoprazole or
rabeprazole) will help to reduce excess acid production in stomach.
You can also take digene gel or liquid or ulcero-protective agents like sucralfate or bismuth subsallicylate to reduce the burning sensation.
Apart from medications you should also try some non-medical or dietary measures which are:
1) eat plain foods like boiled rice and green leafy vegetables without adding spices or oil. It will help to neutriluze digestive acids.
2) avoid oily,spicy and fast foods.
3) avoid eating full stomach at a time rather have small meals frequently.
4) drink coconut water will help to reduce burning.
5) eat lots of fruits like banana and watermelon.
6) Take antiemetic like ondasetron or domperidome to control nausea or vomiting if any.
You must see physician who can examine you properly and prescribe the treatment if symptoms persists for long time.