Hi, my 4 year old and I relocated from NYC to Orlando Fl in October 2014. Since arriving he has been quite sickly, mainly runny nose, consistent coughing, frequent nosebleeds at night and high temps ranging from 99.9 to 102.0. Recently, he was given a nubulizer and abuterol with treatments every 4 hours. Problem was we had no insurance and was taking him only to the emergency room, his coverage started 3/1/2015 and his new doctor has not yet pin-pointed a specifi problem, but I am really worried that he is not doing well in this new environment. Today, his nursery school called to report that he has 99.9 temperature, consistent coughing and has vomited several times day. Any ideas what I should do? I plan to take him to his PCP afterhour care center tonight.