My bestie Louise is 11 years old, 160 cm (5 3) tall, and 164-180 pounds ( 70-80 Kg ) , and she is in the obese percentile when i checked on internet... İm really worried about her becuase she always starves herself to 350-500 calories a day and then binges all day for the most 1 week later and then she starts again.She is not a bulumic because she doesnt puke after for sure. We have a lot of sleepovers like nearly 3-5 times a week that may sound to much but its becuase we are neighbours and her mum works all the time and we go to the same school. she gained 10 kilos by doing this for 1and a half years, that is really freatining. She diesnt believe she can lose weight by eating healthy becuase about 2 years before she starved herself and lost alot of weight , that made her try to do it more and more but she always failed at it. İm really worried about her i dont want. to lose her and i dont know ehat her condition is called... please help she was crying yesterday on the phone becuase she was to fat... Please help öe so i can help her...