Hello, I was diagnosed with optic neuritis last June, and was experiencing a multitude of neurological problems. Had clear MRI, normal visual evoked potentials, a positive ANA. I was diagnosed with Functional neurological disorder. Since then I have received an intensive care package, and attended an endless amount of medical appts. However I've continued to deteriorate rapidly. I experience extreme shooting pains down my spine, tightening round my ribs, pins and needles, burning sensations, chronic migraine, myoclonic jerks, cognitive problems, bladder problems, im now wheel chair bound, house bound... the list goes on. I simple exist. I'm 26. I follow a strict immune protocol diet, and try a multitude of holiistic and natural remedies. We've been reassured we are doing everything we can to help- yet I KEEP deteriorating. My question to you- have they missed something? My concern is they fobbed me off with "FND" because I had split up with a partner around the same time (which I cannot reiterate enough there is absolutely nothing psychologically wrong there).Two things that have never been mentioned since- the positive ANA, and optic neuritis (neurologist has never addressed or spoken about these again) should I seek a second opinion? Thank you so much in advance!