Doctor I have osteogensis imperfecta, I have broken my legs over 30 times between the two, Tina,fibia, and femurs, not counting, two arms, fingers, etc. My current doctor has had me on narc, 7.5 mg four times a day for five years, they dont work like they used to, last week I called my pharmacy to get it refilled and was denied because the month before I received early even though I was right on time this month, his nurse said I should have some left and denied me even though I did not realize that I took more the month before I had taken more, I had also had surgery then for a stapendectomy because of going deaf in my right ear, had the same procedure in 1991 on left ear, they quit on my last operation because the audatory nerve was around the stapes bone and he was afraid to freeze my face on the right side, I have chronic pain and need something better to help my quality of life and perform better at work, any advice would be helpful thanks, william